What Goes Into Quitting Smoking And What To Expect

What Goes Into Quitting Smoking And What To Expect


Smoking is addictive and that is why so many people continue to do it even though they are aware of the health risks. When you decide that you no longer want to smoke, then there are a few things you should know. Here you will find out what to expect so that you’re not surprised with anything when you quit smoking.

Know what the withdrawal symptoms are. The main symptom will be irritability. You’ll also feel a lot of cravings. You may get more hungry too because smoking suppresses your appetite. Some people get headaches and feel like they’re not able to find joy in anything for a few days after they quit. Once you’ve made smoking a habit, it’s hard to stick with quitting because you are used to smoking during certain activities. All of these symptoms will go away with time and know that none of these symptoms compare to what would happen to you if you kept smoking.

If you’re able to take a few vacation days off of work, then you should probably do so when you first start quitting. You’re going to be grouchy and may have a hard time concentrating. It is rough to spend most of your days off having to suffer through this, but it will help you to stay away from smoking for the time being. Even if you can’t take time off of work, try to see if there are jobs that you can do at your workplace that aren’t too stressful for a couple of days.

Tell your loved ones about your plans to quit smoking so that they know you’re going to be a little irritable. If you know of any relatives or friends that have stopped smoking in the past, you should ask them for some advice about getting through the process. Try to stay away from family members that smoke so that you’re not tempted. Get rid of everything that reminds you of smoking in your home so you can keep smoking off of your mind as much as possible.

Keep a journal of what you’re thinking of every day and how well you’re doing with stopping smoking. This is a good idea because you’ll be able to go back through your thoughts later to see how much you went through to give up smoking. It’ll be hard to start smoking ever again once you realize how much trouble it really was. You can also share your thoughts with people you know who are struggling with this addiction and may potentially save a life in the future.

Sometimes it may seem like stopping smoking will take forever. Your cravings will pass, however, and you’ll be able to get on with your life shortly. You will always have it in the back of your mind that maybe just one cigarette won’t hurt, but don’t fall back into that trap. Everything you’ve learned here can help you out so follow the tips above when you’re ready to quit.

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