How to feel better with acid reflux problems?

How to feel better with acid reflux problems?


How to feel better with acid reflux problems?If acid reflux has been troubling you, then you may just need some good advice for dealing with it. If you want to get rid of acid reflux permanently, read this article and follow the advice it contains. Continue reading to get more information.

To stop acid reflux disease, increase your intake of Vitamin D. This vitamin increases peptide production, which destroys the production of acid in the stomach. Your body gets Vitamin D from the sun. If you do not get enough sun exposure, you can always take Vitamin D in pill form.

Keep your head up by raising the top half of your mattress while you’re sleeping. Wood, books, and other items can be used to increase the elevation of your mattress. Electric beds are also an option here as well.


A great way to minimize your acid reflux at night is to eat your largest meal of the day at lunch. You want as much of your food to be digested prior to lying down for the night. Rearrange your eating habits to include a big lunch and very small dinner.

Keep a journal. If you can track when and what you are doing when you have an acid attack, you might be able to alter your life to eliminate those attacks. Write down what you eat, what you have done that day and if you have had any discomforts. You may be surprised at what you find and how easy it is to eliminate some of your problems.

The food you consume each day will make a difference in your reflux. Avoiding acidic foods, peppers, greasy foods and alcoholic beverages could help. These foods and drinks could be causing the problem. Also, avoid eating less than three hours before you bed time. Going to bed with a full stomach could make for a rough night and morning.

Eating slower has been shown to help with the symptoms of acid reflux. This gives your stomach a chance to adjust to the food that you are taking in. Try chewing your food a minimum of 25 times and really savor the food you are eating. Eat only until you are comfortably full and never till you are stuffed.

See a doctor. Many people think that acid reflux is something that can be treated at home. While this is true to some extent, you may be missing out on valuable insight and effective treatment. There are many causes of acid reflux, and your doctor can help you identify the root of the problem and devise a treatment plan tailored to your needs.

Drink at least 10 glasses of water a day if you want to get rid of acid reflux. Water is important to help reduce toxins and acid that is in your stomach and causing your constant heartburn. Consume water when you wake up, during your meals and right before you to go bed for maximum effectiveness.

Chew gum after your meals. Believe it or not, chewing gum can help alleviate acid reflux because it encourages saliva production. Saliva helps eliminate stomach acid. In addition, you will likely swallow more often, which further helps clear acid. Aim to chew cinnamon or fruit-flavored gum rather than mint because mint could worsen your acid reflux.

Try to eat your final meal about three hours prior to bed. So eating at 8 if you go to bed at 11 can help you avoid acid reflux. This is because lying down with a stomach full of food places additional pressure on your LES muscle. This is a major trigger of acid reflux.

Drink less liquids with your meals. Drinking during a meal increase stress on the stomach. Acid reflux can be triggered by the pressure it causes in the stomach. Drink full glasses or water only between meals, and stick to small sips during meals.


Although not always the case, tight clothing can sometimes cause acid reflux. If a belt or waistband seems tight, try loosening your clothing to relieve the discomfort. When too much pressure is put on your midsection, gastric acid can be forced from the stomach and upward into your esophagus, creating the burning sensation.

If you experience heartburn after eating a large or spicy meal, try taking an acid relieving tablet. Sometimes this is enough to help, but you may also need to loosen your clothing around your waistline. Acid reflux medication is a available either by prescription or over the counter if you experience this condition often.

If you suspect that you are suffering from acid reflux disease, you should speak to your doctor as soon as possible. There are medications they can prescribe to help ease the symptoms. Acid reflux, if left untreated can lead to more severe diseases such as Barrett’s which can develop in to cancer.

One thing you can do to help you get rid of your acid reflux is to eat your food slowly. This helps your digestive system catch up to you. Plus, you enjoy your food more this way as well. Eat smaller portions, and take your food in slowly like you actually want to enjoy your meal.

If you know that you will be eating spicy foods during a particular event, you should try taking a medication like Prilosec the day before. This is a slow acting drug that helps relieve the symptoms and it takes a day or so to work. This means that you can indulge without worrying about paying for it later.

Notice which foods are responsible when you get acid reflux. You can find long lists of foods that will trigger an reflux attack, but your body differs from those of others. What triggers pain for you might do nothing to others, so journal your foods and reactions.

Now that you’ve read this article, you can set out to rid yourself of your acid reflux. You simply do not want to deal with this affliction. You want to get rid of it so that you may fully enjoy your life.

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